Thursday, June 12, 2008

Inner game

I recently did an article about inner game for TSB magazine. You can read it here

Let me know what you think!


MM said...

Great article, killer ending. I wasn't expecting something so simple and so true.

The whole article reminded me of this story I heard on youtube:

miguel said...

So simple and so good!! eye opening...thanks


ay cajun you kinda look like pau gasol from the L.A Lakers

Unknown said...

hey you kind of look like an ASS HOLE! publish the vegas articles!!!

Derek Comeau said...

Fuck you guys! I'll do what I want! Yeah Yeah, Vegas articles are coming next. Quiffs

Unknown said...

Stop crying our heart out cajun an publish them! hahah hey men i live in cancun, can you come up wit a good opener for cancun?

be kwel!!

Jonas said...

cajun just block and ignore this dude;
hes enjoying your reactions;
youre doin a great job with this blog, thx

Unknown said...

uuhhhhhhh..... jonas loves cajun, yo whes what jonas??? this is not a sentimental or gay blog.. or we all gonna say what gay jonas says fagot!


Jonas said...

Don't worry, Ana Luisa i don't; i'm straight so you still have all youre chances; keep on trying buddy
(i think youre a bit too cocky btw - just a tip ;) )

Unknown said...

Grrrr! is staight...

Jonas said...

Yeah, dont cry

Deline said...

When the fuck are you going to write more?? Lazy bastard! I keep telling my local "PUA" friends about you lame ass and you're making me look bad! Get it together.


Unknown said...

Write fucking something on your blog JACKASS!

oipoistar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ytheleus said...

Nice to see inner game linked to quantum physics, this is the stuff that rocks my boat!

Deline said...

It's killing me...a month has gone by and no Cajun! Throws us bone dang it.

Your three articles on BL I've pointed to tons of noobie friends to. They're so spot on that I think it should be considered a foundation piece like "3 sec" rules and Kino escalation.